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Make a flexible amount of donation

We’re collecting donations to supports us, Seven Sprit. The world is facing a number of serious issues such as poverty, inequality and conflict. However, all children have the right to learn and play in a friendly, safe and supportive environment wherever they were born. To make such an environment a reality, where what everyone takes for granted is guaranteed for sure, and to address challenges children face, we appreciate your support and cooperation.

Payment options

Credit card

After filling in all the blanks, click “Register credit card.”

Your Name e.g. Jane Doe
e-mail address
Please make sure all required fields are filled out correctly.
Enter how much you donate.

If you need a receipt, please contact us using “Contact Form

Bank transfer or hand-to-hand donation

When you prefer bank transfer or hand-to-hand donation, please contact us using “Contact Form”. We will give you details.

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